• Dr. Lisa Juliano

    Dr. Lisa Juliano

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst


    A therapy that helps establish a more profound ground for healthy relationships.

    Mental health

    Improve your focus, relieve stress and anxiety, and develop creativity.


    Achieve a better level of your well-being and the ability to manage feelings.


    Invaluable insight into the knowledge of reducing conflict in relationships.


    It is important to explore how a different outlook can help in finding life balance.


    If your depression is keeping you from living your life don't hesitate to seek help.

    Mind Games

    It is crucial to understand how to prevent others from playing such games with you.


    Focus your attention on calmness and increase your personal awareness.


    "The mind is its question, and it is itself its answer"-Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927), Indian musician and Sufi teacher

    Dr. Lisa Juliano provides individual adult psychotherapy in New York City with an emphasis on providing treatment for those in the artistic community. She addresses a broad range of issues with patients, including interpersonal difficulties, psychological trauma, substance abuse, and coping with challenges related to serious medical illnesses. Respect, compassion, and a collaborative process are central to her practice.

    Dr. Juliano holds an MA in general psychology from New York University and a PsyD in clinical psychology from Yeshiva University. She completed her psychoanalytic training and graduated from the William Alanson White Institute in 2013.
    Psychoanalysis works!

    Dr. Lisa Juliano

    Recent Articles

    Do I Complain Too Much?

    Call it bitching, call it kvetching, call it whining, but whatever you label it, it's still complaining and we all do it. And we have plenty to complain about....

    Read article

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Question: I've been having some problems lately. How will I know if therapy is right for me?

    Answer: We all experience life changes such as getting used to a new job or school, getting over a breakup, sending kids to college, experiencing divorce or death. These are known as transitory changes. These events vary ... in their intensity and impact on us. How we respond and adapt to these events is a good indicator for therapy. Whether minor or life-changing, if the sadness, fears, anxieties or distress from these changes lasts longer than expected, then therapy may be indicated.

    It's good to question yourself before looking into psychotherapeutic treatment. Therapy is a time commitment and cost commitment. Opening up to a stranger might feel awkward at first. Therapy can be a helpful and life-changing experience, and may be useful for getting through difficult life events.

    Question: Nothing life-changing happened but I still don't feel right. Can therapy help?

    Answer: Let's examine what is currently happening in your life: Are you are using alcohol, drugs, sex, food, gambling, shopping or any other behavior in a compulsive way to help manage your stress? Are you experiencing unusual ... trouble at work, school or with family? Are others avoiding you lately? Have good relationships become problematic? Any of these issues could be indicators for therapy.

    We all develop behaviors that stem in part from our upbringing and environment. We create internal strategies in response to childhood experiences. Some of these strategies are good healthy responses, but other strategies can be less helpful or even dysfunctional. The longer these dysfunctional coping strategies operate, the greater the potential for psychological distress and symptoms to appear. Therapy can help you identify dysfunctional coping strategies and change the way you respond to stress.

    Question: I'm a little embarrassed to have to go to therapy. Does that mean I'm weak and I can't solve my own problems?

    Answer: Seeking professional help for problems shows emotional maturity, insight and strength. You have the internal resources to accept that ... there are issues in your life that feel unmanageable, that can be complicated and are not going to be resolved on their own. Exploring these issues with a trained therapist can give you new strategies to manage your problems and move forward.

    Question: Okay, so maybe I'll give therapy a try. I'm worried about how it works. My friend said her therapist sat like a stone and said nothing. I would not like that at all!

    Answer: You will not have an experience like that in therapy with me! Our work is collaborative. We will discuss a lot during our sessions. My training will help guide ... our conversations to stay on track and explore issues fully. You will be doing most of the talking when we are together, of course, but occasionally I will need to stop you and ask questions to fully understand the problem. You have the right to ask for more or less input from me. We will find an easy and comfortable pace for our time together.

    • Depression Therapy
    • Stress Management
    • Anxiety Treatment
    • Sober Support
    • Improve Communication
    • Stress Management
    • Post-Divorce Recovery